The net planting area of the Stinging-Bee Elevated Grow Beds in conjunction with the Stinging-Bee Greenhouse is that 80% of the product of a conventional garden is produced in 20%  of its total area.  The conventional garden has aisles for cultivation and irrigation.  Plants are sowed and thinned. Weeds are cultivated with tiller or hoe.  With The Stinging-Bee Greenhouse and Elevated Grow Bed system, there are no aisles (even in conventional greenhouses there are aisles), no weeding - except with index finger and thumb - and no cultivation - except with a hand trowel to place a little compost prior to placing a new plant.  Thus in a 4ft x 8ft area of 32 sq. ft. as much produce can be harvested as in a 10ft x 16ft area or 160 sq. ft.

Most areas of the US do not have good soil for growing vegetables.  By the time the dirt become fertile enough to be called soil - about 7 years on average - the residents pick up and move.  Thus the garden, now fertile, becomes someones RV parking area.  Or -- if your home has a small yard or a concrete patio,  where does one get fertile soil?  Buy it from the STORE! - As per Mel Bartholomew's book and as per every commercial greenhouse operation in this country.  And the beauty of it all, the Stinging-Bee Greenhouse and Elevated Grow Beds can be picked up and hauled away with you when you move in seven years.

Stinging-Bee Greenhouses and Elevated Grow Beds come in SIX basis sizes:  4ft x 4ft4ft x 8ft:   3ft x 3ft: and 2ft x 2ft.; 2ft x 4ft; 2ft x 8ft.   All come either 8 in. deep growing medium or 17 in. deep  growing medium.  The top of the medium is 25-1/2 in above ground level.  In a seated position, a person has a 30 inch reach to get to any spot within the Grow Bed.  Thus the Grow Beds are ideal for use with persons with ADA needs or small children.  By being elevated above ground level, the threat of dogs digging beds for their own personal comfort is greatly reduced.

The depth of the Elevated Grow Beds is determined by the type of plant to be placed therein.  Most Truck Garden plants only require the 8 inch bed.  Mel Bartholomew's grow beds suggest a 6 inch bed but the bed is placed upon the ground and receives benefit from that contact.  The 17 inch deep bed is used for deep rooted crops such as potatoes, deep root carrots, vines (grape and berry) and small fruit trees (such as peach trees or dwarf trees) in the 4ft x 4ft or 3ft x 3ft beds.  The PVC Trellis is a must for the vines and trees as it provides additional support to the upper portion of the plant.

By adding the PVC Trellis to the Elevated Grow Bed, Vertical growth of planted material is facilitates an increase tin he net grow area for vine plants such as cucumber, cantaloupe and pole beans.  The 25-1/2 inch elevation of the Elevated Grow Bed also allows for vine plants to fall over the side  This also enhances the total grow area of the system.

When the Bat-Wing End Doors, 6 ml UV Protected Poly Film, Electric Space Heater, and Fluorescent Grow Lights are added to create the Total Stinging-Bee Greenhouse System, it is possible to have a planting area that has the potential of being productive from mid February to mid December.  (We planted Yellow Summer Squash in Mid February this year. We harvested lettuce for Christmas Dinner last year.)  With a Double Layer of Poly Film - the second or under layer does not need to be UV Protected - the insulation factor does go up and makes it possible to hold heat in all but the most extreme cold.

In areas where the cold is less severe, the PVC Trellis System can be used to protect the plants from heavy rain or hail or wind by attaching a tarp to the frame with bungee straps.  The special design of the PVC Frame in concert with the energy absorbing bungee straps keeps the tarp in place without tearing.  The tarp is attached at the ridge with commercial greenhouse hardware known in the industry as "Wiggle Wire".  The Tarp can also be used as a shade for the plants. 

There is a complete paradigm for working in the miniature of Square Foot Gardening.  Another paradigm for working a Greenhouse.  Instead of planting packages of seed, one plants ones, and twos - maybe 12 - of seeds.  Instead of planting directly to the plant bed, one plants plugs - one seed at a time - and transplants the new plant to the plant bed.  The result is poetry of an orchestra.  The woodwinds and brass play off each other while the percussion rests.  The strings and brass and percussion play for a while.  Woodwinds have a solo.  But of course the crescendo of the full orchestra is thrilling and magical.  It takes time, practice and patience. 

If you are adventurous and enjoy gardening or if you are new to the hobby, try Jim's New Hobby Farm.  I think you will like it.

    Click Here for Information on how to order and pricing for Stinging-Bee Greenhouses and Elevated Grow Beds. 

For all that is offered by other conventional greenhouse distributors Click Here and compare.   

                                          P.S. A Free Copy of Mel's Book is offered with every email inquiry.